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Find that Postcode

Reduce GeoJSON file size

This tool can reduce the file size of your GeoJSON files.

It works by rounding the latitude and longitude values in your file. Values are often given to 10-20 decimal places, but accuracy of 5 decimal places is sufficient for most use cases.

Choose a file from your computer and then click "Reduce file size" to save the results.

The tool only accept valid GeoJSON files with a type of FeatureCollection.


Your file will not leave your own computer and no data from it is sent to Find that Postcode.

Input file

  • File name: <% file.name %>
  • Features in file: <% file.geojson.features.length %> features
  • Errors:
    • <% e %>
  • Maximum precision: <% precision %> decimal places.
  • Original file size: <% file.size %> bytes
  • Estimated reduction: <% estimatedReduction %>%